Wednesday, February 13, 2019

I attended an OSU focus group about kids with autism as it relates to social and communication skills

I don't want to forget this day because it was an absolutely powerful day.  I was asked along with other moms/care givers to attend a focus group about social and communication skills with our children on the autism spectrum.  I agreed not only because I figured I would have some insight and suggestions but also because I feel alone a lot of time in a world where everyone's kids are on target with their development and speech.  It seems like I've lost a lot of friends and family members too who maybe don't understand or don't care to.  Maybe it's just that they're too busy or we've just simply grown apart.  For whatever reason I wanted to jump at the chance to be in a room with other moms who totally understand where I'm at with Tommy.  It turned out there were 4 of us in the focus group today.  Two moms were parents to 4 year olds, one was a parent to a 5 year old, and I was there who have Tommy an almost 4 year old.  It was such an amazing and outspoken group.  I felt like we all connected right away and we agreed we would keep in touch, do play dates, etc.  I hope that these things come to pass and I have some new awesome moms to talk to even if it's just in texts here and there.  I'm so thankful.

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