Monday, August 10, 2015

Little Tommy is 5 months old today

I put his 5 month sticker on his onesie this morning to take his picture and he tried to eat it.   Hmm that's something I didn't consider.   LOL.  So, I ended up sticking it to the chair.   He's amazing me more and more everyday.   He rolls over and back all of the time now.  
I worked at the Whetstone Library today to help them out.   I really liked it and could see myself actually moving to another branch.  The manager was very nice and let me have my own office.   I am ready to be a rover.   I hope they post that position soon.  After work I met up with Shawn and Tom and of course little tommy at Dans drive in and we had dinner while Tom was waiting for the car show to end.
After that mamaw and steph agreed to watch baby boy so we could go to Land Grant to meet my Franklinton peeps for drinks.   Little did I know that they only serve beer.   Yuck!   I was planning to try a melon ball like what Melissa Mccarthy always talks about on Identity Thief.   Tom and I had a great time but now I'm thinking how much I'd miss Franklinton and our great team.   Baby boy and hubby are asleep so good night.

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