Monday, August 24, 2015

Today Tom's mom turns 73 wish I didn't have to work all day

I am really happy that Tom's mom has made it to her 73rd birthday. It was scary there for a while with all of her health issues. She had 2 strokes that we know of in early 2014. We really were wondering how things were going to go and if mom could continue living on her own. As it turned out Nona, mom's best friend from Schottensteins was able to come and stay with her. She stayed with her night and day and only went home on the weekends. I don't know what we would have done if it wasn't for her being there for her while we worked. After a while Nona was dealing with things at home and told us that she would have to go back home. Mom would have to live on her own again but was she capable? She was one of the very lucky few who had God on her side because her strokes weren't bad enough to impair her too much. She did have a pretty severe case of Aphasia which was from the damage the stroke caused in the part of her brain where language is affected. She was very frustrated and seemed to get out of breath a lot after she came home. She has since started crocheting again and is one of Little Tommy's favorite people. He loves her so much and has really given her a whole new reason to live. This is just an opinion but it comes from my heart. I just saw this today 8/24 and realized I didn't publish it. Oops, but it worked out because now I can update with how her birthday went. We took her a gift and pizza after work and all hung out together. She was very happy. I love my mother in law a lot.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Tracking Shawn and Chris on their road trip

So, Shawn and Chris are going on a road trip to pick up Rosemary from badger camp in Wisconsin. They are on the road now and I've decided to track where they are. Here are the check ins I've seen so far: 1/ I-70 west at the Indiana state line 2/ Indianapolis, Indiana 3/ Montmorenci, Indiana (210 miles away!) (11 am) 4/ Wolcott, Indiana at the rest area (220 miles away) (11:32 am) 5/ Remington, Indiana (230 miles away) (11:50 am) 6/ Midlothian, Illinois (270 miles away) (1 pm) 7/ Western Springs,Illinois (290 miles away) (1:20 pm) 8/ Schaumburg, Illinois (300 miles away) (2 pm) 9/ Gilberts, Illinois (320 miles away) (2:30 pm) 10/ Machesney Park, Wisconsin (350 miles away) (2:53 pm) 11/ Milton Junction, Wisconsin (370 miles away) (3:32 pm) 12/ Utica, Wisconsin (380 miles away) (3:44 pm) 13/ McFarland, Wisconsin (390 miles away) (3:50 pm) 14/ Beloit, Wisconsin (4:20 pm) 15/ Madison, Wisconsin (390 miles away) (5:05) 16/ Dekorra, Wisconsin (410 miles away) (5:15) They're almost to the Wisconsin Dells! They went to Green Bay and toured Lambeau Field. I'm super jealous and can't wait to take Little Tommy and go on a road trip up there. They picked up Rosemary yesterday in Prairie du Chien and checked into their hotel in Northbrook, IL. Today they are visiting Chicago and then coming on home. I've really missed my brother and can't wait to see what he brings home for us. I will also be happy to see Rosemary and to have all three of them safe here in Columbus.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Little Tommy is 5 months old today

I put his 5 month sticker on his onesie this morning to take his picture and he tried to eat it.   Hmm that's something I didn't consider.   LOL.  So, I ended up sticking it to the chair.   He's amazing me more and more everyday.   He rolls over and back all of the time now.  
I worked at the Whetstone Library today to help them out.   I really liked it and could see myself actually moving to another branch.  The manager was very nice and let me have my own office.   I am ready to be a rover.   I hope they post that position soon.  After work I met up with Shawn and Tom and of course little tommy at Dans drive in and we had dinner while Tom was waiting for the car show to end.
After that mamaw and steph agreed to watch baby boy so we could go to Land Grant to meet my Franklinton peeps for drinks.   Little did I know that they only serve beer.   Yuck!   I was planning to try a melon ball like what Melissa Mccarthy always talks about on Identity Thief.   Tom and I had a great time but now I'm thinking how much I'd miss Franklinton and our great team.   Baby boy and hubby are asleep so good night.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Tommys stats so far

Tommy's stats from day 1: Thomas Robert Hayden Jr. Born: Sunday, March 8, 2015 on 4:42 AM @ Dublin Methodist hospital via C-section. He weighed in at 8 lb 3 oz and 21 inches long. He ended up in the NICU unit for low blood sugar and ended up leaving the hospital weighing around 7 lb 12 oz. He went to the pediatrician (Dr. Rob at Hilliard Pediatrics) a few days later and had picked weight back up. The following are his stats as of now: March 16, 2015- 8 lb 5 oz and 20 1/2 inches long with a 14 3/4 inch head circumference. Dr. Rob was happy that his weight was above his birth weight and told us we didn't have to wake him for feedings in the night. April 9, 2015- 11 lb 4 oz and 22 1/2 inches long with a 15 3/4 inch head circumference. Dr. Rob was very concerned about his flat spot on his head on the right side and suggested we try to keep him turned to the left as much as possible. I removed his rocker at home which parents were saying online were attributing to their baby's flat heads as well. May 8, 2015- 13 lb 8 oz and 23.8 inches long with a 16 3/4 inch head circumference. Dr. Rob took a photo of baby boy's head to make sure we see improvements or he may have to see a neurosurgeon to see if he needed a corrective helmet. We were sad about this. July 15, 2015- 16 lb 15 1/2 oz and 26 1/2 inches long with a 17 3/4 inch head circumference. Dr. Rob was very happy with his growth and his head shape progress. He said that by his 6 month visit he we have to make a decision about his head just in case he needs a corrective helmet. Because he is sitting up more frequently it has improved drastically. We are confident that he will end up being fine without going to the neurosurgeon or wearing a helmet. On a side note Tommy was dedicated at our church the Hilltop Church of God. This basically says that we will raise him to follow God and his teachings. That also charges the church family with guiding him along his path. I love our church and no matter where we end up moving to we will continue to attend that church. That's it for now. Little Tommy is a thriving little guy that we are so blessed to have in our lives.

Monday already!

Man, with working every Saturday it seems that there is no TGIF lol and the weekend flies by. In September I am taking off Saturday which will give Tom and I 4 straight days with baby boy together. I am trying so hard to conserve PTO because Tom is going to have to have his knees replaced in December. They have gotten so bad that he really can't even walk through Wal-mart to do grocery shopping. I can't wait until his knees are all better and we can start taking little road trips and walking a lot more. Tom just had his first check up this morning since the last one where his sugar was sky high. It has been consistently lower since he cut out the pop and sweets and he has lost 8 pounds by just changing that alone. I am going to join him soon and try to lose some of this baby weight. Tommy is growing so fast and is loving the sweet potatoes so much. My next post will be all of his stats so far. I want to put them online somewhere so I don't lose them. So much to write but I'll write more soon. Just using some break time at work to sit and write things out. It really helps.