Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Tom's surgery and my dad's car was stolen this morning.

Need to vent so here goes. I can't believe it but after 30 years of absolutely nothing and I mean nothing going on at my dad's house he comes out this morning to go to work only to find that his car was gone. He called us to tell us but if you know my dad we thought he was pranking us. Sure enough it was stolen. He had a trunk full of tools and not to mention the car stereo and 2 library movies! Then I took Tom in for his wrist surgery. Some weird bump that the doctor advised him to get removed. They told him he had to have 2 IVs. The first one went just fine on the second stick. She moved to the left arm and stuck him a total of 6 times and kept chasing the vein and never did find it. After all of that they took him upstairs for surgery and put one in that arm anyways and didn't use it for anything! I'm not a doctor but why?! The good news is he's ok and on the mend. We're trying to find the car still and hope to catch the thief. I'm on the case.

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