Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Crazy 2013 so far.

So have been thinking a lot lately. Seems like in life you never really get ahead. You're always chasing that dream that is just slightly out of reach. Something happened today to really question weather going to school is really worth it. I have not been very happy with 2013 as of now. Also, today we got the news that a family friend Mario Covarubbias passed away yesterday. He literally drank himself to death. Very sad. On a happier note I absolutely love Ellen Degeneres and Grumpy Cat!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Very Uneventful Sunday

Well, went to church this morning, made breakfast, cleaned and pretty much did nothing. Shawn and I went to Kohl's to shop for his birthday. I think I need a support group because I'm addicted to Kohl's. LOL! Can't wait to say TGIF this week.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

As long as I live I will never understand teenage boys...specifically my little brother Shawn

I just need to get this off of my chest. He got his grades back from school and had all Bs and Cs so we were so happy and going to get his temps and start letting him drive. Today he breaks down and tells me he got a D in auto body. Not english or math or anything else but he picked this training because he wants to do it when he grows up. Ugh and by the way so ready for Friday but wish I didn't have to work Saturday.